C++にて構造が複雑だったり不定形なjsonを扱うの出れば、nlohmann/json が有名で、 非常に便利に使えます。
#include "json.hpp" using json = nlohmann::json; // create an empty structure (null) json j; // add a number that is stored as double (note the implicit conversion of j to an object) j["pi"] = 3.141; // add a Boolean that is stored as bool j["happy"] = true; // add a string that is stored as std::string j["name"] = "Niels"; // add another null object by passing nullptr j["nothing"] = nullptr; // add an object inside the object j["answer"]["everything"] = 42; // add an array that is stored as std::vector (using an initializer list) j["list"] = { 1, 0, 2 }; // add another object (using an initializer list of pairs) j["object"] = { {"currency", "USD"}, {"value", 42.99} }; // instead, you could also write (which looks very similar to the JSON above) json j2 = { {"pi", 3.141}, {"happy", true}, {"name", "Niels"}, {"nothing", nullptr}, {"answer", { {"everything", 42} }}, {"list", {1, 0, 2}}, {"object", { {"currency", "USD"}, {"value", 42.99} }} }; // parse explicitly auto j3 = json::parse(R"({"happy": true, "pi": 3.141})"); // a JSON value json j_original = R"({ "baz": ["one", "two", "three"], "foo": "bar" })"_json; // access members with a JSON pointer (RFC 6901) j_original["/baz/1"_json_pointer]; // "two" // a JSON patch (RFC 6902) json j_patch = R"([ { "op": "replace", "path": "/baz", "value": "boo" }, { "op": "add", "path": "/hello", "value": ["world"] }, { "op": "remove", "path": "/foo"} ])"_json; // apply the patch json j_result = j_original.patch(j_patch); // { // "baz": "boo", // "hello": ["world"] // } // calculate a JSON patch from two JSON values json::diff(j_result, j_original); // [ // { "op":" replace", "path": "/baz", "value": ["one", "two", "three"] }, // { "op": "remove","path": "/hello" }, // { "op": "add", "path": "/foo", "value": "bar" } // ]